Initial Consultation

The cost of treatment will vary according to whether one or both arches of teeth need treatment; how severe the problem is; the type of braces chosen; and whether there are alternatives to braces.
A detailed written quotation is given after the necesssary records are taken so you know what your treatment charges will be before you make any decisions.
The fee that we quote at the start of your treatment covers the whole of the treatment cost, all the materials needed, the visits that we plan, any unscheduled visits, provision of gum shields, oral hygiene and brace care aids, retainers and supervision in retention for 1 year following treatment. ( It does not include fees that may be charged for repeated failed appointments or lost appliances.)
The cost of treatment is broken down over the course of treatment to make payment easier. You pay an initial fee followed by monthly payments by standing order.
Discounted fees apply if you prefer to make a single, up-front payment, or for siblings should they require treatment at the practice at a future date.
Alternatively, we can work with you to find a payment plan that suits you better. If you would like to discuss any of these options, please contact us.
As Orthodontic treatment is specialist healthcare treatment, the fees paid are allowable against tax by completion of a Med 2 form available at the practice.
Please click the following links for further information : Inland Revenue Service Med 2 Form
Midleton Orthodontics
Exbury House, Ashlin Rd.,
Midleton, Co. Cork.
Phone/Fax: 021 463 8063
Fees and Tax Relief

Registered Orthodontic Specialist with The Irish Dental Council
This consists of a thorough examination and a discussion of potential treatment options to give us insight into your orthodontic needs.
During the initial consultation we will address the following questions that cover the basics of orthodontic treatment. We encourage you to ask questions as well.
- Is there a condition that orthodontics can address?
- Is treatment needed now or should treatment be delayed until appropriate growth, tooth eruption or other factors have occurred? (see below)*
- What treatment procedures will be used to correct the problem?
- Do any permanent teeth need to be removed?
- How long will treatment take?
- How much will it cost?
What are my payment options?

Diagnostic Records
While we can often answer these general questions about treatment during the initial examination, specific areas can only be addressed after careful analysis of diagnostic records. The records include X-rays, photos and impressions for study models We feel it is important to analyze each patient's specific needs, because in-depth planning leads to superior results and higher patient satisfaction. You will be advised of the cost for these prior to proceeding. This fee is deducted from your overall treatment fee if you decide to proceed.
Current research suggests that there are very few indications for starting treatment early.
Starting treatment early, or "two phase" treatment has been shown to prolong the overall treatment time and result in reduced patient co-operation with poorer results. It may also involves greater costs.
Although treatment may obviously be required, patients with baby teeth may be placed on an automatic recall and the condition monitored until the appropriate time for treatment. This may be just before loss of the last baby teeth, to take advantage of the growth spurt, or else we may delay starting treatment until all the adult teeth are through when the effect of jaw growth is not required.
*Early Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists does however recommend an orthodontic consultation around 7 or 8 years of age. This is to identify the rare exceptions where we need to start orthodontic treatment earlier and to monitor the eruption of the adult teeth. An OPG x-ray may therefore be required at the initial consultation to assess the eruption of the underlying teeth. The practice charges a reduced fee (50%) for an OPG x-ray for patients of the practice. Should they wish to have the x-ray for other purposes, then the balance of the fee is payable.
"Thinking a smile all the time will keep your face youthful."
- Frank Gelett Burgess.